As the days darken and the air takes on a crispness, the approach of HOLIDAY SEASON can bring high levels of stress around family gatherings, office parties and the general over-abundance of bad-habit foods. Take heart! There are ways to not only survive the holidays, but have an enjoyable and rewarding experience!
Remember you have all the tools you need to stay on track with your plan to improve your overall health.
Remember you have support in family and friends that have seen you through all your changes and challenges so far.
Remember that food is just that: food. The emotions and rituals and gatherings that include food can be enjoyed with or without all the caloric trimmings (take a lesson from the Whos down in Whoville...)
Encourage family and friends to gather around activities rather than food. Try suggesting a walk in the park if the weather is nice or going bowling if it isn’t. Visiting and making that emotional connection is not dependent on food being available at every sitting.
Get creative! There are lots of ways to update old family recipes to make them healthier and there are literally thousands of healthy recipes available that can become new traditions. Have a “bring something you’ve never made before” pot-luck or challenge participants to make a dish representing a favorite healthy aspect of the season.
Opt for non-alcoholic beverages and water water water.
Stick to serving sizes: 2-4 ounces of lean meats, 1 tsp butter or oil, 1/2 cup of cooked whole grains...
Enjoy lean meats, lots of veggies, have sweet potatoes instead of white ones, and have one favorite dessert per week (remember, it’s only the first two bites that really satisfy the taste you’re looking for). Spoil yourself by choosing the very best of everything! Don’t settle for imitation or low-quality foods.
Avoid unknown dips and spreads, mashed potatoes, fatty gravies and anything made with hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup.
And please don’t forget to MOVE. It is vital that you keep up your exercise program throughout the year. Exercise helps you deal with stress, gives you a great excuse to take a break from family and festivities, and it helps you handle any extra calories that make it through.
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