Rant Alert: Ok, so I have a bone to pick here (pun intended). We need to talk about what it means to be a Healthy Vegetarian or Vegan, and the importance of understanding that just because you don't partake of animal offerings, doesn't mean you get to eat junk food all day long. Why is it that the vegetarian aisles of most of our grocery stores consist mainly of highly processed snack foods? And sadly, why is it that so many of my "vegetarian" clients think that a diet almost entirely of boxed mac and cheese, diet soda and Twizzlers qualifies as healthy? Psst: the word Vegetable is the basis for the word Vegetarian. If you want to be Healthy, whether vegan, vegetarian, pesca-lacto-ovotarian, or omnivorous, you need to eat Real Food. Don't preach to me about animal cruelty while wearing leather shoes, a down jacket and driving a car that runs on gasoline. Don't talk to me about how healthy your lifestyle is as you struggle with your constant post-nasal drip, weight gain, huge dark circles under your eyes, flaking nails and hair loss from nutrient deficiencies.
The Cold Hard Hairy Eyeball of Truth: to be a Healthy vegetarian or vegan you must eat a combination of Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains, Legumes, Nuts/Seeds. The only difference between a Healthy vegetarian and a Healthy omnivore is in the choice of some proteins and some fats. The thing is, if you rely on convenience foods, the vegetarian products can be even more dangerous than the omnivorous options. You can actually set yourself up to consume some of the most highly processed foods available on the market today. Yes, you read that correctly. Here is just one in a whole laundry list of problems: the standard vegetarian offerings at most grocery stores rely heavily on products made using TVP or texturized vegetable protein. TVP is usually made from soy but also from cottonseed (which contains a natural spermicide), wheat and oats. Please read the description found at Wikipedia for the utterly delicious sounding way this "food" is made complete with carcinogenic hexane solvent residues. TVP is loaded with damaged proteins, damaged fats, toxic processing residues, and neuro-toxins such as high amounts of MSG.
Soy itself has a really controversial history in the field of human nutrition which is far too big to tackle here. Technically yes, it contains all the essential amino acids to qualify as a complete protein on strictly a chemical basis, BUT the human body doesn't digest and absorb it in the same way as an animal protein so it is still considered low quality by many researchers, scientists and nutritionists (myself included). Most soy products are highly processed, high in phytates (enzyme inhibitors that block mineral absorption), goitrogens (that damage your thyroid), phytoestrogens (which can feminize male children raised on high amounts of soy), and trypsin inhibitors (essential for proper digestion). Fermented soy products are slightly better because some of these anti-nutrients are broken down by fermentation, but soy can still be extremely hard on your thyroid and can push the human system into fat storage mode thereby contributing to body fat gain rather than lean tissue balance. In addition, soy is one of the most highly sprayed crops in the world, as well as nearly all of it is now genetically modified thanks to Monsanto.
Fats are essential for human health, including saturated fats. Vegetarians and vegans often have the highest intake of omega 6 fatty acids due to the ingestion of higher percentages of plant based liquid oils. Safflower, sunflower, corn, cottonseed, grape seed and peanut oils are pro-inflammatory and chronic consumption can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimers and cancers. It is important to consume a combination of types of fats to be a healthy vegetarian or vegan. Consider coconut oil which has a broad range of fatty acids, is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. Omega 3 fatty acids are harder to come by in the plant world and are not as easily assimilated as those found in fish or krill. Consider algal forms over seed sources. Reduce or eliminate all high omega 6 oils. Remember that a damaged healthy oil is just as unhealthy as a bad oil. Don't overheat or reuse oils after cooking. Keep oils away from light, heat and air while storing.
Please, if you choose a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, learn how to be Healthy. It's not as simple as believing the big food product manufacturers and subsisting on boxed, bagged or instant food products. Read labels. Learn about amino acids and how to combine foods to get complete proteins. Get Smart. Get Healthy. Get REAL.
I’m Fine. (A lie.)
5 years ago