Friday, May 7, 2010

"If 1 is Good, then 2 must be Great!"

With finances at the forefront of many American’s minds, we have begun reaching more often for alternatives to expensive standard healthcare options. Recent reports show that rather than running to the doctor with aches, pains and colds, people are using botanical medicines and nutritional supplements as a first line of defense. This is often a very good option, however, it is important to understand that just because something is “natural” doesn’t mean it is safe to take more than the recommended dose.

I can’t tell you how many times clients tell me “this tincture/supplement works so well I thought I’d take twice as much so I’d feel better even faster.” This is NOT how botanicals or nutritional supplements work. Just like pharmaceutical medicines, herbal medicines and supplements can be dangerous is high doses. Keep in mind that nearly all our pharmaceutical agents were originally derived from the plant kingdom. Simple examples are aspirin which was originally derived from white willow bark, and the heart medication digoxin which comes from the flower foxglove (aka digitalis).

Please follow the directions on the container if you are treating yourself, and absolutely follow the directions of your practitioner if you are working with a trained professional. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider what you are taking including all medications and supplements because some of them can interfere with each other in detrimental ways. When in doubt, work with a trained professional to help you make healthy choices for you and your loved ones. Don't play doctor just because you can purchase something over the counter at your health food store.

I'm laying this on thick because I care. Really.

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